Real Estate

Deep Clean Like You Mean It: How To Make it Happen

Deep Clean

If you find yourself in a spot where your home really could use a deep clean, one of the big obstacles is just knowing what each step is. Many of us look at our homes and think that they are just too messy to get to a real state of tidiness. However, if you break down the task and give yourself a pat on the back for each achievement, you’d be surprised by how quickly you can make progress. Here’s your step-by-step guide to making time for a deep clean that’d be appropriate if you’re moving toward selling your home and need to have a top agent show it to potential buyers.

Decluttering First Makes Everything Faster

Think about how long it takes to wipe down an empty table, and then contrast it with how long it takes to wipe down a table covered in dishes, homework, bills, soccer gear, and more. It’s easy to see why decluttering is the first step – the actual ‘make this space hygienic’ step has to come second. So start by analyzing the clutter: does each item have a home that it simply isn’t in? Does some of your clutter need a new home, like an organized basket or tote or drawer? Or does some clutter simply need to make it to the trash or recycling bin? Make getting surfaces clear in your home the first priority so that deep cleaning doesn’t take quite so long.

Gather Tools So You’re Not Tempted to Stop Mid-Project

If you start deep cleaning and realize that the vacuum cleaner needs a new bag to function properly, it’s easy to bow out and let the project fall by the wayside. Instead, make on of the steps of the deep clean to gather everything you need: at minimum, a good duster, access to a vacuum cleaner, mop, broom, and possibly a combo tool like a Swiffer or other dry/wet mop. You’ll also want sponges, all-purpose cleaner, specialty cleaners like glass cleaner and bathroom cleaner, and some cloths that are soft enough to use to wipe down many kinds of surfaces. Finally, a roll or two of paper towels for any particularly bad messes won’t go amiss.

Conquer the Cleaning Room By Room

While some people have the time to spend a literal whole day cleaning, many of us have to deep clean in stages. A great strategy is to get into the deep cleaning groove when you have time for at least one whole room. Making a checklist and deep cleaning room by room helps you remember that a space is all clean, all the way, before you move to another area, and gives you a little boost of confidence as you finish a room. Doing a little bit here and there can feel like not making progress, so let the room-by-room approach guide you and help you portion out the work, when needed.

Prep to Maintain Your Masterpiece

Make a list of how you’ll do a quick declutter/surface wipe-down/vacuum or sweep each day to maintain these newly tidy rooms. It takes much longer to make a big mess than you might think, especially if you devote 20-30 minutes a day to maintaining the level of clean generated by a deep clean. By knowing ahead of time how you’ll do quick fixes each day going forward, you can make your deep cleans last far longer, especially if you’re looking to find a realtor and list your home.

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